Thinking about building your own DIY computer desk? Check out this DIY project where I show you exactly how to build your own!
With a little bit of elbow grease and a few good cuts of red oak the wood and metal computer desk came together perfectly! We’ve had a small run-of-the-mill desk for computer work for over a year now and I’ve been really looking forward to building a metal framed wood top desk to replace it. I was surprised with how well the finished oak came out with the help of some grain filler.
I’ve never used that product before and it did wonders at providing an ultra smooth surface finish after I sprayed the top with some water based urethane. If you haven’t already, check out the video below to learn a bit more on how it all came together. As always, thanks for dropping by.
Cheers – April
Things I Used For This DIY Computer Desk Project:
ISOtunes Bluetooth Hearing Protection
Miter Saw Stand
Miter Saw
Infinity Miter Saw Blade
Ultimiate Workbench Plans
Triton Biscuit Jointer
Blue Bar Clamps
Titebond Original Wood Glue
Lincoln Mig 210 MP
Welding Hood
Welding Jacket
Welding Gloves
Triton 4″ Belt Sander
Triton ROS
Triton Palm ROS
Triton Track saw
Rockler Clamp It Jig
Rockler Z Clips
Triton SuperJaws
Glue Brush
Triton Drills
18 Gauge Brad Nailer
Rockler Bandy Clamps
Rockler Bench Cookies
Fuji HVLP Sprayer
Fuji Hose Whip
Aqua Coat Stain
Aqua Coat Grain Filler
Aqua Coat Cross-Linking Top Coat
Titebond Instant Bond
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