How To Build A Mobile Shop Stand | Planer

Thinking about building your own Mobile Shop Stand? Check out this DIY project where I built a mobile planer to use as a shop stand!

A while back I got the Triton spindle sander and thickness planer but I didn’t unbox them because I didn’t have anywhere to put them. This week, I decided to take the time to build a mobile shop stand for both of these pieces to go. I debated on whether or not I should build a separate stand for both of the tools; however, I decided to keep the planer on the top and store the spindle sander in the body so whenever I need the spindle sander, I will take it out and set it on my workbench and then put it back into it’s spot once I’m done.

I do have plans for this project. If you are interested you can find them mobile shop stand here. The plans come with a material list, a cut list, and a step-by-step on how to build this with the dimensions that I used.

The first thing I did was go to the store and purchase the plywood. I went ahead and had the store employee cut it down for me just to make hauling it around easier (just the first big cut which cut each sheet almost in half).

I started by cutting out the pieces that will make up the sides. While I was cutting, I also cut the top and bottom pieces.

1 Planer Stand

Next, I drilled pocket holes on each end of the side pieces and join them to the top and bottom using pocket hole screws. Note: If you don’t have a pocket hole jig, you could also use a butt joint or a biscuit joiner here.

2 Planer Stand
3 Planer Stand

Once you get one end attached, flip the unit over and attach the other the same way.

4 Planer Stand

Since I made the stand so tall, I went ahead and built in two drawer spaces to utilize some space. However, I didn’t want to purchase sliders for them because they are kinda pricey so instead I went with making a shelf for the drawers to rest on.

So next, I cut the two shelves that the drawers will sit on. To attach them to the body I first drilled a few pocket holes on both sides. Then to make attaching them easier, I grabbed some scrap wood and cut two spacers. This way I could come through and set the shelf on on top of these spacers and just screwed them down.

5 Planer Stand
6 Planer Stand
7 Planer Stand

Repeat by attaching the next shelf the same way. Tip: If your material is a little bit bowed or warped, you can use clamps (I recommend buying Rockler surefoot clamps) to squeeze it into place while you’re drilling these pocket holes down.

9 Planer Stand

I originally planned to have the drawers on the top of the unit…so that they would be two drawers and then the storage space underneath them; however, I changed my mind since I am going to be storing a kind of heavy piece of equipment in the storage space. I decided to put the storage space closer to the top so I wouldn’t have to bend down so far to reach it. This orientation is completely up to you though.

Mobile Shop Stand | Making the Drawers

I started off by cutting all of the pieces I’ll need to make the drawers. Since I only have two drawers, I cut four sides, two backs, and two fronts.

I took all of the side pieces and cut a dado near the bottom of all the side and front pieces. To do this quickly, I would set my table saw fence and run every side and front piece through once, then I would move the fence over 1/8″ and run them through again until it’s large enough to fit the bottom.

At this point, you can raise the blade up and grab the back pieces and run them through once and this makes it so that they are the exact height needed so that the bottom can slide into the dado without interference. Note: You could also make this step quicker by changing out your blade for a dado stack.

11 Planer Stand
12 Planer Stand

I didn’t want to add any hardware to the drawer front so instead I took the drawer front pieces and cut a hand slot using my band saw. I first drew the hand slot using a speed squareNote: If you don’t have a band saw you can use a jig saw. Also, use painters tape to tape the two front pieces together when you make the cut so that you cut both pieces at the same time.

10 Planer Stand

To start assembling the drawers, take the side pieces and apply glue to the front edge then align the front piece flush and use a brad nailer to nail it into place. Repeat the steps with attaching the back piece. Note: When attaching the back piece, make sure you’re not covering up the dado slot. The back piece needs to be flush with the top of the sides, not the bottom.

13 Planer Stand
14 Planer Stand

Next all you have to do is cut the bottoms and slide them into place. Now you have a complete drawer. You can repeat the steps to make the second drawer.

15 Planer Stand

I try and make everything in my shop mobile so before finishing, I flipped the unit over and attached four casters. I bought two casters with a brake that I put up front and two casters without a brake that I put in the back.

16 Planer Stand

The last thing I did was cut a back and attach it using my brad nailer.

17 Planer Stand
18 Planer Stand

And that’s it, now I have a mobile shop stand. Keep in mind that even though I’m using this as a planer stand you can use it for any shop tool you need a stand for. I already have an almost identical stand that I use for my drill press.

19 Planer Stand
20 Planer Stand

21 Planer Stand
For this project I spent $18 on good casters and $38 on wood.

If you liked this project and want to stay up to date with what I’m building, then be sure to sign up for my email newsletter and you’ll get an email when I post something new. See you soon!

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Mobile Shop Stand Mobile Shop Stand Mobile Shop Stand Mobile Shop Stand Mobile Shop Stand

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